Archive for September, 2011

Ten Commandments For A Healthier ME

Posted on September 23, 2011. Filed under: At Random, Life |

I came across Bobby, a friend of mine, once at the mall and he never hesitated to criticize me of my weight. I guess he was extremely disappointed at me that I haven’t really taken the least modest care of my health. As the person that I am, I just smiled and made fun out of his blunt description of the current me. I can’t really remember the exact adjectives but I tell you, I don’t think that any normal woman could take it easily.

Just recently though, I think his warnings started to rub in. Weighing 186 lbs, cannot breathe on size 14 pants, I began to feel the heaviness that I started limping because my legs were in agony of carrying my whole weight. I was so afraid to go consult our family doctor in fear that we might discover things that I don’t think would be favorable. But then I didn’t want to torture myself with all of the negative thoughts, I bravely walked into his clinic and got a checkup. I learned that I now have osteoarthritis due to being overweight and one very effective way of escaping from the pain would be to drop excess pounds.

Right there and then, I knew I am off to a very unpleasant experience towards good health mainly by zipping my food-fanatic mouth.

Hurting as it may be but I am going to start it for my own good.

My  Ten Commandments:

  1. Say goodbye to softdrinks for good. In the first place, too much of it actually makes me bloated and I tire easily, no thanks to its sugar content.
  2. Stick to 1 cup of rice every decent meal. Although I don’t really want to justify myself but the truth is, after 6 hours of non-stop talking at work then I would get an hour lunch. I would feel so famished and it’s just automatic for me to reward myself with bulk eating. I think this is going to be a real challenge for me. (Pray for me!)
  3. Instead of a junk food date with CSI Vegas and NY (that’s every single day, mind you) I would just limit myself to two bags of Mr. Chips or Mang Juan’s Chicharon on my 2 days off. I think 1 each day would be justifiable.
  4. On major meals, if there’s an option for vegetables, of course those without legumes, my eyes should be blind from the beauty of red meat like the heavenly pork and the divine beef.  Fish and chicken should be the runners up on my list.
  5. Saturated oil must die on my diet but please allow me to kill it softly. I have always been in love with anything fried, from fishballs to kwek-kwek, chicken skin to chicken neck, french fries to fried siomai. Any deep-fried street food seems to give me and my pocket a sense of joy as they are not expensive and with the right sauce, it’s just a palate paradise for me.
  6. Stick to the fact that I don’t have a sweet-tooth. Sometimes I’m forced to eat cakes because it’s either my mom bakes them or my hubby just wants to have cake and I feel obliged to join him. You see, I have lived with a principle that rather than having a slice of the evil chocolate cake, I’d rather satisfy myself with 2 cups of rice on my meals coz anyway both would really give me the unwanted calories.
  7. Drink lots of water. It is a healthy habit that I have long ignored. Another benefit of it is it’s pocket-friendly and in the office? Absolutely FREE.
  8. Reconsider every time I’m being invited to buffet attacks. I would always think that it should be an exempted day on any existing diet since I have to make sure I get my money’s worth. (Although deep inside, I know it’s just a lousy excuse for gluttony…hehehe)
  9. Look for any physical activity to help reduce the weight. Since I’m usually beat up after work, I think a walk at the mall would be helpful and de-stressing at the same time. I should just make sure I don’t go astray and find myself in a pizza parlor. (This one, I’m keeping my fingers crossed, BIGTIME!)
  10. Stop depending on diet pills! This is a wake-up call especially for me because no matter how I take them if I don’t zip it, I would still gain weight. I’ve heard of so many side-effects that some of its users land in the hospital with a heart full of regret.

I’m not sure if I can religiously follow the commandments but I certainly would give ‘em a try. With lots of support from family and friends, I think I’m going to be just fine. (SO HELP ME GOD!)

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